乔治于2020年05月04日 多线程 线程池

多核环境下,为了更好的资源利用率,多线程基本上算是一个常规武器了。 我们知道CPU是用来计算的,而计算所需要的外部数据则是交给独立的I/O系统处理的。CPU和I/O的特点就是一个快,一个慢,大约差2~3个数量级。所以为了不浪费快的资源,就把慢的事情交给独立的系统做,等慢的资源准备好了在通知快的资源(也叫中断处理)。所以一旦发生CPU需要等待外部数据的时候,操作系统的调度系统就会暂时保存当前计算的寄存器状态,程序计数器等(也叫上下文) ,让出CPU给其他的可调度的进程。 这个过程称为上下文切换。一旦发生了上下文切换,以线程统一进行计算与I/O传输的应用这时就是被阻塞了。为了提高CPU的利用率,也就是应用线程阻塞的时候CPU仍然有活干,应用层面就需要使用更多线程来保证CPU有计算可执行,同时还要避免线程创建和销毁的开销,线程池就是这么产生了。以下就是本文的核心问题,如果你要创建一个线程池,该怎么确定线程池的大小呢?可以肯定的是线程数也不是越多越好。



Java Concurrency In Practice

For compute intensive tasks, an Ncpu-processor system usually achieves optimum utilization with a thread pool of Ncpu+1 threads. (Even compute intensive threads occasionally take a page fault or pause for some other reason, so an "extra" runnable thread prevents CPU cycles from going unused when this happens.) For tasks that also include I/O or other blocking operations, you want a larger pool, since not all of the threads will be schedulable at all times. In order to size the pool properly, you must estimate the ratio of waiting time to compute time for your tasks; this estimate need not be precise and can be obtained through profiling or instrumentation. Alternatively, the size of the thread pool can be tuned by running the application using several different pool sizes under a benchmark load and observing the level of CPU utilization.
— Brian Göetz
Java Concurrency In Practice: p.107


Ncpu = CPU核心数,

Ucpu = 目标CPU的使用率,其中 \$0 <=\$Ucpu\$<= 1\$,

\$w\$ = CPU等待时间,

\$c\$ = CPU计算时间,

\$w/c\$ = CPU等待时间和计算时间的比率,

然后就给出了能够使处理器保持在特定使用率的线程数最优公式:Nthreads=Ncpu*Ucpu* (\$1 + w/c\$)

Programming Concurrency on the JVM

If tasks spend 50 percent of the time being blocked, then the number of threads should be twice the number of available cores. If they spend less time being blocked—that is, they’re computation intensive—then we should have fewer threads but no less than the number of cores. If they spend more time being blocked—that is, they’re IO intensive—then we should have more threads, specifically, several multiples of the number of cores.
— Venkat Subramaniam
Programming Concurrency on the JVM: p.16


Nthreads = 总的线程数,

Ncpu = 可用的CPU核心数,

Bc = 阻塞系数,介于0和1之间的。

那么,就可以用如下的方式计算我们需要的线程数了:Nthreads=Ncpu/ (1 -Bc)



假设CPU的使用率Ucpu是100%的情况下,也就是如果目标都是尽可能的利用CPU资源,其实这两个公式是一样的。 只要定义阻塞系数(blocking coefficient) = \$w/(w+c)\$,也就是阻塞系数为阻塞时间与整个CPU时间的占比。那么他们就是一个意思:定性的描述就是阻塞时间越多,就需要更多线程来保证CPU有活干。上面2个不同的公式则是定量的表达上述思路了。优化线程池的大小是想用最少的线程上下文切换(或代价)来做到最大的(或特定目标)CPU使用率。
